Archive for the ‘Future’ Category

FUTURE V5.6 released on 12 Jan 2020

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FUTURE V5.6 was released on 12 Jan 2020, with a number of small, but useful changes. The main new features are

  • Connections between material balance tanks
  • User-defined streams (e.g. for power requirements) are now included in charts and exports.
  • Improvements to accuracy of material balance calculations
  • Lift-gas supply can be specified as coming from a compressor  or from high-pressure gas wells
  • Pressure calculations are speeded up by an average of 40%.

FUTURE V5.4 released

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FUTURE V5.4 was released on 1st March 2019, as a functionality update to V5. It give further options in decline analysis and in stochastic calculations.

FUTURE Training in Beijing

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Serafim is delivering FUTURE training to Sinopec petroleum engineers in Beijing - the first time Serafim has been involved with such training in China.

FUTURE V5.0 to be released on 1st Oct

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FUTURE V5.0 will be released on 1st October 2017. It has improvements in all areas of functionality, including stochastic calculations, a new linear solver and numerous speed-ups to enable FUTURE to work quickly even with very large models.

BSP to use FUTURE for its 2017 ARPR

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Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) has decided to use FUTURE for its 2017 Annual Review of Petroleum Resources.


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FUTURE V4 has had a major upgrade to V4.3, with significant improvements for large models, pressure calculations and shorter-term forecasting.

Generic Algorithms Project

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With assistance from Invest NI and the European Regional Development Fund , Serafim is launching a new project to generalise and extend FUTURE's current functionality, in a process similar to code refactoring, to ensure that FUTURE can be a comprehensive tool for all oil- and gas-fields.


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FUTURE V4 has had a major upgrade to V4.1. Users will be automatically prompted to accept the upgrade when they next start up FUTURE. V4.1 has a number of significant improvements for shorter-term forecasting.

Talisman Sinopec UK using FUTURE for reserves

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Talisman/Sinopec is now using FUTURE for its annual update of reserves.

More FUTURE Help Resources

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To improve the provision of support for users of Serafim FUTURE, we have set up a users' help desk site, where users can have access to the Serafim Help ticketing system, to a users' forum and to a knowledge-base of problems and how to fix them. We have also put a series of training videos on our Videos page.