We will post company updates and news about upcoming / current software releases on this page.

FUTURES V7.1 (with power and GHG calculations)

On 8th Feb 2024, FUTURES A7 updated from V7.0 to V7.1, with power and green-house gases calculations.

Serafim Submits Conference Paper at ADIPEC

Serafim Ltd. will be publishing a conference paper at the annual Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference that is taking place from 31st of October till November 3rd. The paper will be titled "An Algorithm For Calculating Incremental Production In An Integrated Asset Model". It was written by Peter Cunningham, Su Huan, Hendrik Leegte and Daryan Taher. The paper will be available on OnePetro after its presentation.


Serafim Ltd. has decided to change the name of its flagship software from FUTURE® to FUTURES®. The change will be implemented with the release of version 7 which will also carry function and design changes along with it. The update is expected to be released in January of next year.

FUTURE V6.2 released on 1 Aug 2022

FUTURE V6.2 was released on 1 August 2022, with the following improvements

  • Calculation of local reservoir pressure from simulator rates and FTHP/FBHP
  • Compressor and pump curves
  • Improved incremental sales calculations
  • Improved probabilistic calculations

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Join Serafim’s 30 Minute webinar on FUTURE®

Join our 30-minute webinar and say hello to FUTURE®, the World’s first true general-purpose oil/gas production forecasting system!
It is the first system that, in a few minutes, can run full oil/gas integrated asset model calculations for large systems with the daily time-steps needed for short-term forecasting.



Signup Here

Free “Community” licence for FUTURE

15 Jan 2022 - Use of FUTURE is now available under a free-of-charge "Community" licence, limited to a maximum of 25 wells.

Read More Here

FUTURE V6.1 released on 5 Sep 2021

FUTURE V6.1 was released on 5 September 2021, with the following improvements

  • Activity Groups, allowing a well in a drilling sequence to be linked with its required shut-ins
  • Improved loading of properties from Excel
  • Process diagram icons
  • Speed-ups (e.g. use of upper bounds on Simplex variables, to reduce the number of constraints)

Download FUTURE®

FUTURE Version 6 released

1 March 2021 - FUTURE 6 is now in release, and is available in two versions

  • "Adaptive" - FUTURE A6 - with the latest updates
  • "Fixed" - FUTURE F6 - typically a month or two behind A6, for users who prefer to minimise the number of updates

FUTURE 6 also has a number of functionality improvements, in the following areas

  • Calculation speed
  • Speed of writing to database
  • Graphics
  • Calculations of incremental sales

Read More About FUTURE®

SPE 200754 conference paper

2 November 2020 - At the 2020 SPE Norway Subsurface Conference, Peter Cunningham, Jim McCann and Mustapha Bouhdaid presented a paper - SPE 200754  "A Fast Algorithm for Integrated Asset Modeling" - that described the network-solver algorithm used in FUTURE and demonstrated how it can run 1000x faster than older algorithms.

Additional FUTURE support available from Belltree – Sept 2020

Belltree Oil & Gas Consultancy is available in conjunction with Serafim to assist new customers in setting up FUTURE models and workflows.

FUTURE V5.6 released on 12 Jan 2020

FUTURE V5.6 was released on 12 Jan 2020, with a number of small, but useful changes. The main new features are

  • Connections between material balance tanks
  • User-defined streams (e.g. for power requirements) are now included in charts and exports.
  • Improvements to accuracy of material balance calculations
  • Lift-gas supply can be specified as coming from a compressor  or from high-pressure gas wells
  • Pressure calculations are speeded up by an average of 40%.

FUTURE V5.4 released

FUTURE V5.4 was released on 1st March 2019, as a functionality update to V5. It give further options in decline analysis and in stochastic calculations.

FUTURE Training in Beijing

Serafim is delivering FUTURE training to Sinopec petroleum engineers in Beijing - the first time Serafim has been involved with such training in China.

FUTURE V5.0 to be released on 1st Oct

FUTURE V5.0 will be released on 1st October 2017. It has improvements in all areas of functionality, including stochastic calculations, a new linear solver and numerous speed-ups to enable FUTURE to work quickly even with very large models.

BSP to use FUTURE for its 2017 ARPR

Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) has decided to use FUTURE for its 2017 Annual Review of Petroleum Resources.


FUTURE V4 has had a major upgrade to V4.3, with significant improvements for large models, pressure calculations and shorter-term forecasting.

Generic Algorithms Project

With assistance from Invest NI and the European Regional Development Fund , Serafim is launching a new project to generalise and extend FUTURE's current functionality, in a process similar to code refactoring, to ensure that FUTURE can be a comprehensive tool for all oil- and gas-fields.


FUTURE V4 has had a major upgrade to V4.1. Users will be automatically prompted to accept the upgrade when they next start up FUTURE. V4.1 has a number of significant improvements for shorter-term forecasting.

Talisman Sinopec UK using FUTURE for reserves

Talisman/Sinopec is now using FUTURE for its annual update of reserves.

More FUTURE Help Resources

To improve the provision of support for users of Serafim FUTURE, we have set up a users' help desk site, where users can have access to the Serafim Help ticketing system, to a users' forum and to a knowledge-base of problems and how to fix them. We have also put a series of training videos on our Videos page.

Co-operation with Gibraltar Software

Serafim is now being assisted by the US-based Gibraltar Software for user-interface improvements to FUTURE.

FUTURE V4.0 released

FUTURE V4.0, with improved charts, better modeling of work-overs and support for Cloud-based databases is now released and is available for download.

Maersk Oil widens use of FUTURE

Maersk Oil UK has joined Maersk Oil Qatar and Maersk Olie og Gas in using Serafim FUTURE as a reserves management and production forecastng system.

TalismanSinopec trialling FUTURE

Talisman/Sinopec UK has started a trial of Serafim FUTURE, to assess its suitability as a replacement for forecasting spreadsheets in reserves evaluation and other tasks.

McDaniel to use FUTURE

McDaniel International has decided to use Serafim FUTURE in consultancy work and reserves forecasing on capacity-constrained oil-fields.

FUTURE V3.6 under testing

FUTURE v3.6, with new features including running customised spreadsheet calculations during a FUTURE run, is now under testing.

Urgent client request for new well prioritisation feature

In response to an urgent request from a client, Serafim has developed a new feature in FUTURE to allow production from certain wells to be prioritised. The feature adds an individual well value multiplier term to FUTURE's network solver objective function. The new feature was requested on 12th July 2012 and delivered on 23rd July.

New Training Course

Serafim now has developed a new training course for Future. The course focuses and follows a practical example giving the participant hands-on experience of the key features of the software.

FUTURE v3 final release

FUTURE v3 has now in full release, after a year as a Beta version - a year in which it was being extensively used and continuously enhanced. The new version is significantly faster, more reliable and more flexible than FUTURE v2.

Successful Conclusion of SPD’s Trial of Serafim FUTURE

Salym Petroleum Development (SPD) has finished their trial of Serafim FUTURE, concluding that its functionality meets their requirements

1200 well network run on FUTURE v3.4

A Future model with more than 1200 wells, multiple oil and water constraints etc is up and running, taking two minutes to calculate High/Medium/Low life-of-field production profiles.